Quote of the Day

Monday, January 25, 2010

Copy and Paste Format Only Over & Over Again in MS Word, Powerpnt

Do you like the Format Painter in MS Word and MS PowerPoint?

Do you find it frustrating that when you forget to double click the button, it shuts off after just one paste?

Or, have you ever tried to interrupt the process of format painting by editing some text, only to find that the program has "forgotten" the formatting you intended to paint once you were back on track?

If any of this is bothersome for you, but you still like the idea of transferring just the formatting, I have an alternative to suggest.

Next time, instead of the Format Painter button, try Ctrl + Shift + C to copy the formatting.

Once the format is copied, highlight the text to be formatted and use Ctrl + Shift + V.

Did you spot an error?

Want to fix it right now so you don't forget?

Go ahead, and rest assured that when you're done the Ctrl + Shift + V will still paste your formatting over and over again.

I'd call this the best of both worlds... format painting combined with ability to do other tasks in between the pastes.

Talk about efficiency!


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